These are contractors that your neighbors have had good experiences with. The HOA does not endorse any contractor. This list is only intended to give you a few names that may help you find contractors.
If you have worked with a contractor and were happy with your experience, let us know. We will be happy to add them to this list. If you have a bad experience with anyone on this list, let us know and we will check it out. We will remove unsatisfactory contractors as well.
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Tony has been quick to respond, and his prices are fair. He is a local business with many years of experience.
(903) 513-6238
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A very experienced husband and wife team. Johnny and Mandie closed a big exterminating business in the city and moved to Point Texas. They are very conscious in their use of pesticides, and also offer organic solutions.
(817) 404-2839
Serving larger jobs, including decks, tile, sheetrock, painting, and more. They have worked on multiple houses in Indian Oaks.
(469) 359-0704
True Blue is a large heating and air conditioning company. Their technicians are very professional. Their work is neat and clean. Their prices are on the higher end but, you get what you pay for with them.
(855) 422-7753
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